
Group Quarterly Financial Performance

RM' million FYE 31 December 2012
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 YEAR
Operating revenue 6,658 6,876 6,971 7,027 27,532
Net interest income (including income from Islamic banking business) 2,556 2,673 2,727 2,721 10,677
Net income from insurance/takaful business 87 170 91 304 652
Operating profit 1,860 1,978 1,989 1,915 7,742
Profit before taxation and zakat 1,895 2,026 2,025 1,949 7,895
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Bank 1,347 1,437 1,501 1,460 5,745
Earnings per share (sen) 17.63 18.64 19.11 17.29 72.67
Dividend per share (sen) - 32.00 - 33.00 65.00

RM' million FPE 31 December 20111
Q1 Q2 6M
Operating revenue 6,155 6,737 12,892
Net interest income (including income from Islamic banking business) 2,390 2,644 5,034
Net income from insurance/takaful business 177 250 427
Operating profit 1,804 1,693 3,497
Profit before taxation and zakat 1,840 1,731 3,571
Net profit attributable to equity holders of the Bank 1,328 1,259 2,587
Earnings per share (sen) 17.76 16.72 34.48
Dividend per share (sen) - 36.00 36.00
1 The results consist of six-months financial period ended 31 December 2011 due to the change of financial year end from 30 June to 31 December. The results were restated due to first-time adoption of Malaysian Financial Reporting Standards (“MFRS”) Framework and changes in accounting policies.